On Tuesday March 31, my grandmother, my mother's mom, took her last breath here on earth and went to Heaven to be with Her Creator & Father!!
This has been a huge loss for my mom & all of us - my grandmother will be missed!! For the last 5 years my grandmother has lived with my mom & her husband, them taking care of her!!
I CAN SEE how God's timing with bringing home Ella - has been interwoven with the passing away of my grandmother!! I am SO THANKFUL for that the days that followed that I was able to spend with my mom!!
AND I am THANKFUL for that I got the truly SACRED honor of BEING THERE WHEN my grandmother took her last breath! It is something which has CHANGED me ... I am continuing to process the impact of bearing witness to watching someone leave this earth! It makes you to the core of your being, realize how SHORT life is, even with a life fully lived ... my grandmother was 90 years old!
It actually makes me feel completely speechless ... as I arrived only 20 minutes before my grandma died!! AND I was going to wait until Sam got home, which would have made me too late!! About 1/2 an hour before Sam was going to come home I felt GOD immediately and strongly SAY " YOU NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" If you would have asked me 1 week before how long my grandma was going to live, I would have told you until she was 100 ... this was her spirit!! SO I followed this new direction as all day it had not crossed my mind that my grandma was going to die that day! AND I made it ... and got to hold my grandma's hand the last 20 minutes of her life!!!
My grandma had SUCH PEACE about dying ... and actually knew she was going starting about a week before she died! She had many wonderful conversations with my mom, my mom always in tears ... my grandma always with total peace & joy about meeting Her Creator face to face!
The following are words that were shared by some of us grandkids at grandma's funeral:
We will all miss our grandma!
We will miss the way she gently & lovingly squeezed our hand, and the spontaneous assertive pinches on our arm!
We will miss her many encouraging words & sweet compliments about us or our children, and the quirky straight-forward opinions she often shared with us!
We will miss serving her tea, the tea she daily found such pleasure in!!
We will miss the look of adoration on her face when she talked about or looked at our mom – our mom who is our hero and truly the greatest gift given to us from God through our grandma!
Our grandma inspired us to make the most out of life, regardless of the circumstances of our life! Our grandma lived a long life, full of blessings, but also full of hardship & difficulties! Never once did we hear our grandma complain!
Even up to the last few months of grandma’s life, her faith never wavered! She had a STRONG faith in the Creator of the Universe, her Father! She always used to say, “in my father’s house there are many rooms!” Grandma always had peace about her eternal destiny, even in the midst of death, this has INSPIRED and TRANSFORMED us all!
It has been an honor & privilege to be a grand child of Mary Murdock, she WILL be missed!
I was named after my grandmother!!
Love, Carrie