"When there seems like there is no end to the paperchase, you will have to LEAN on your Father" ...
Our friends Melissa & Blake have been a shining picture of this to me!! Oh myyyyyy heart!!! After 14 months (or so) of seeing the face of their new son ... he now has legally become their forever son!! Grady VanDalen passed through court today and Lord willing, will be home in August!!!!!!!!!! Grady is about 15 months old right now!!
Today is a JOYOUS day of CELEBRATING with our friends!!!!!
PRAISE JESUS the victory over Grady's life is FINISHED ... the hold Satan HAD on his life HAS been broken!!! Grady is a VanDalen, and soooooo many of us who adore them and already adore little Grady will get the JOY of watching him grow up!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooo EXCITING, Gwendolyn will be home NEXT WEEK ... Ani the following week, and Grady will be home a month later (or sooner)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooooo many prayers said for these three precious lives! SOOOOOOOOO FUN and such JOY and BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the DAY that the Lord has MADE, let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it!!!!!