I don't even know where to start!
Life seems like a whirlwind lately!
Yet simultaneously we are having such a WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC summer!!!!! Life is GOOD! God is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
The most recent totally in AWE adventure was this past week when the Director of Social Welfare from Ghana AND Romana the BH orphanage Director came to WA!!! We had such a WONDERFUL time with both of them, getting to know the director, & spending time with Romana (I love every moment I get with Romana - as it is always CLEAR to me that God has her exactly where He wants her, "for such a time as this" ... God is using her GREATLY in Ghana - that seems like an understatement!) ...
We also got to spend time with other BH Ghana adoptive families! There was a large gathering in Anacortes and a smaller (38 people) BBQ at our house ... as well as lots of home visits, school visits, and hospital visits (here in town and in Anacortes)! And we had the priviledge of having a BH Ghana adoptive family that we had not met stay with us - we had a wonderful time getting to know this very sweet and wonderful family!
I LOVE IT when I get to be a part of God DOING HIS THING ... it takes my breath away EVERY single time!!!
That is how I would describe last week! ALL of our hearts behind the social welfare director's visit was that he would see that we VALUE ALL of our children, whether they are biological or adopted, whether they are special needs or not! I think he GOT IT! I think God used several interactions, moments, and exposures to stir his heart and imprint on his heart how we ALL LOVE ALL of our kids!
I personally was impressed by the SW director's kindness and gentleness, God obviously has broken his heart for KIDS!
There was a moment at the end of last Wednesday where I was sitting with him, RS, as well with our Director of Special Education (we had just finished a tour of one of our fantastic schools here in town:), and I felt tears well up in my eyes in response to something the SW director said because he got it ... he clearly understood ALL of our hearts and intentions!
Our part in the director's visit was minimal but yet I consider last week's events a priviledge & honor to be a part of!!
I also am already looking forward to our next get together with all of the wonderful BH families ... although I am hoping we can have an even bigger reunion !
Here are some of my favorite pics from the week :)