These pictures were just tooooooooooo WONDERFUL not to share!! Oh my heart, what JOY!! The pictures are of our NEW NIECE!!!!!!!!!! Our new niece named "Grace" whose sweet parents Indi (Sam's sister) and Bob are RIGHT now bringing HOME from China!!!!!!
THANK YOU GOD for the miracle of adorable Grace!!!
Indi & Bob like so many others adopting from China have waited sooooooooooooooo long for their beautiful daughter - but NOW she is in their arms and SOON she will be home!
Grace (like our dear friend's daughter Ani ) is ALSO from the province of Jiangxi just like Faith is! Which is such a neat connection ... China is a HUGE country with THIRTY different provinces! Jiangxi is the poorest province, or one of the poorest provinces!
THANK YOU JESUS for the sacred priviledge of being PARENTS to our adopted & biological children! THANK YOU JESUS for the GIFT of EACH one of our children!!! THANK YOU JESUS for beautiful Grace & the ways that I already know that you are going to BLESS through her sweet life!