I found out today about a death within a Ghanaian family that I had met while traveling up North in Ghana!
It breaks my heart and leaves me asking the question, "why," which I know will never get answered on this side of eternity!
My why question is fueled with frustration in that a lot of the deaths that happen in third world countries ARE preventable, as they don't happen in North America because we have BILLIONS of dollars worth of medical resources.
And if I keep on thinking about it I get COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED and BROKEN! We in North America are SOOOOO BLESSED and we take SOOOOOOO MUCH for granted!!
I read a poem written by an anonymous author that speaks to my heart,
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, & injustices in the world, when He could do something about it ... but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question!"
This news also got me to look at our pictures of our trip to Ghana and I saw the one I shared ... it is of one of the family members in Kody's family! The thing that I see when I look at the picture is LOVE!
A lot (MOST) of the 143 million orphans of the world ARE loved by their biological families ... it seems that sooo many people that I meet do not understand or get this! I do and fully believe it as I have repeatedly seen it in the birth family of every one of our children who we have had the priviledge of meeting!
AND I have first hand seen the daily desperation of the their lives, to merely survive physically!
The man in the picture is also an awesome reminder to me of how God feels about EACH one of the 143 million orphaned children... and of how He feels about all of the poverty, famine and injustices ... AND how He feels about EACH ONE OF HIS CREATIONS!!!
We are to be His hands and feet ... we are to be His skin to those who are in need!