Are you looking for a way to REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE?? Are you trying to figure out how to be a GREAT STEWARD of the financial resources God has ENTRUSTED you with?? Do you have $10 that you could cut back in your monthly budget, and give it away to make a difference in the life of a child ... in Haiti?
$10 will pay for the EDUCATION of a child in Haiti for a WHOLE MONTH!!! Each community child that attends will receive a school uniform, school books and materials, and a hot meal each day.
And the people who are running this wonderful ministry (orphanage, and now school and medical clinic for the local community) are our friends and people who we do life with! They have clearly been called by God to this ministry, and God IS providing for every step! Every penny of the $10 will to towards what it is intended for, our friends take no salary and have a very minimal overhead - AND they volunteer all of their time!!
The next step God has called them to ... educate the neighborhood/community children that surround the orphanage ...
Their e-mail premier.mike@clearwire.net and the ministry website
http://www.newgenerationhaiti.org/index.html and they have a blog and the link is on my blog ...
I have been thinking about the $10 piece ... what could I cut out of my budget to EDUCATE a child who otherwise would NEVER go to school!
What costs $10 that I sometimes spend money on:
- A box of jelly beans from Costco
- Two lattes from Starbucks
- Two bottles of caramel sauce from Starbucks
- 2 movie rentals from Blockbuster
- 3 tubs of chocolate chip mint ice cream
- a tub of red licorice
- a movie ticket
- one Saturday morning of garage sale shopping
- 4 cases of diet root beer
- 2 magazines
- 3 bags of pretzels/chips
The list could go on and on ... I'm sure ... it sure leaves me feeling CHALLENGED about being a good stewart of the financial resources God has entrusted me with, and BLESSED me with!
There is a quote that says something like this," if you educate a child in a Haitiian village, you have educated the WHOLE village" ... I changed the quote a bit... :)
THANK YOU JESUS for the financial resources you have give Sam and I ... THANK YOU for the sacred opportunities that come along to change a life for YOUR GLORY and KINGDOM!
(P.S. New Generation Ministries has non-profit status in Canada and the US)