
We truly can learn SO MUCH from our children!
I think if I were to stop and pay attention, I'm pretty positive I learn things from them all day long!

For the most part, their hearts are usually pure as gold - as well as totally sincere!!

Their joy and passion over the simple things usually stir my own soul, I often wish I could now as an adult view things through the lenses of my children!

A couple of mornings ago, Matteus shared the CUTEST thing! It SO SPOKE to me heart, as it was such a clear picture of the way we SHOULD LOVE God!

I was making pancakes for breakfast, which is one of Matteus' FAVORITE food (that and sushi) and he was in the kitchen, right beside me, helping (if either Sam or I are cooking, he is usually right beside us helping)! He looked up at me and said, "mom I love pancakes!" I said, "I know Matteus." He paused for a second (I could tell his mind was processing), "no mom, I REALLY loves pancakes!" Again, I said, "I know Matteus." Again, a pause ... and he said "I love pancakes as much as I love God!"

His comment forced me to pause, reflect and smile ... what an AWESOME PICTURE from my four year old of HOW we should love our Creator and Father!

I know some of you are thinking ... WHAT ... Matteus is correlating food with GOD! The thing that really blessed this mamma's heart ... is that his statement SO SHOWED me that my son loves God with his WHOLE HEART!!!

I don't think I shared on here that a couple of weeks back both Matteus and Faith made the decision for God to be the KING of their lives! It was SOO sincere, precious and SOOO God working in both of their hearts... and I had the SACRED priviledge of praying with both of them separately here at home!

THANK YOU JESUS for the way YOU WORK in the hearts of our children! THANK YOU JESUS for the way you use our little ones to teach US! THANK YOU JESUS for the evidence of YOU through our precious jewels!

THANK YOU JESUS for sweet sweet Matteus!


Shonni said…
How precious to see our children loving the LORD and to lead them to Him.
So precious.
Patty said…
I am tired tonight & I need to go to bed, but I just had to take a moment & say...Oh my! Your kids are beautiful! :)