I just received an e-mail from a friend ...
The e-mail is about a family who adopted their first child from the EXACT same orphanage as our Faith!
They now are trying to adopt I believe their 5th and 6th child from China!
Their Lord willing 2 new daughters are two beautiful WAITING OLDER girls!
This has captured my heart, because of the two BEAUTIFUL waiting bio sisters in Ghana who have captured my heart and who I'm STILL PRAYING for a family for ... with that, I know how difficult it is to find families for waiting older children! And this family is feeling CALLED to make these two beautiful girls from China their OWN!
AND because $1 - we ALL can give $1! AND it will MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
PLEASE help this family bring home their NEW daughters!
PLEASE give them $1
That is ALL they are asking for!
I am going to!
Will you join me??
Go on their blog http://www.adollarforhopeandjoy.blogspot.com/