This is soooooooooooo where Sam and I are at NOW!!!
We honestly thought we were there a couple of years back ... but throughout the past year and a half God has STIRRED and completely BROKEN our hearts!
For us it all started when we went to Ghana for the first time and saw the DEPTHS of poverty that the northern ghanians live with EVERY DAY (and yes we had already traveled to several different countries but something about our first trip in May of 2008 CHANGED US) ...
We saw kind and hard working families every day struggling for the basics ...
struggling to have clean water and one meal a day (I use the word meal loosely)!
God then took HIS WORD, and a couple of different books in particular (Crazy Love & The Hole in the Gospel) to RESHAPE our hearts!!! So here we are now and I would have to say that this year's INSPIRATION from Advent Conspiracy has even that much more meaning to us then it did last year! Within the last year I made two more trips to Ghana, read a few different books, and attended the National Orphan Alliance conference ... AND GOD SOLD OUR HOUSE, our intention behind selling our house being in exact parallelism of this video (we wanted to do more with the financial resources God had/has given us)!!
So JOIN us ... turn off the music playlist and whatever other background noise ... and let this video PREPARE YOUR HEART for the celebration that soon SHOULD define December - the CELEBRATION OF OUR SAVIOR'S BIRTH!!!
Love you friend! Aum