We have some very sweet friends who have come up with an AWESOME fundraiser for their adoption! They have created t-shirts and are NOW SELLING them ...
The shirts are super cute, in a cool brown color ...
AND I'm sure the logo on the shirts REPRESENTS SOOOOOOO MANY OF OUR HEARTS for Africa ...
*** Whether you are adopting from Africa (or already have)
*** Or if you have a sponsor child there
*** Or if you have gone or are going on a mission trip there
*** Or if you have someone close who is connected to Africa in any of the above ways or in other ways ...
Our family all has t-shirts but I have not been able to take a picture of all of the kids with them on ... one if these days I will and I'll post it =) For now I was able to get Isabella to take a picture of Matteus and me on Friday - we both wore our shirts that day =)
Here are the details on the COOL shirts you CAN get for yourself, your spouse, your children ... you could even buy them as a Christmas Gift ...
Our friends are selling them in the following sizes:
Child: XS-L
Ladies: S, M, XL
Men/Unisex: M, L, XL
I TOTALLY WILL SHIP THEM TO ANYONE who wants one ... free of charge ... to support our friends! Either post on my blog or e-mail me!
Here is also the link to their blog http://www.lyndendahlhouse.blogspot.com/ for more information!