Awesome promise and reminder!

Psalm 37:23-24 (New Living Translation)
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."

Our pastor shared this verse yesturday at church and the verse STRUCK my heart! The verses are SUCH an AWESOME reminder to me of God's faithfulness!! Throughout my life, through the easy and hard, God really has been faithful on soooooooooooo many levels - on every level! One of these ways is as the verse says that He DOES give direction and clarity when we need it! It hasn't always come in the ways I would prefer - a loud voice speaking from heaven - a writing on the wall - would be my preference - but He still gives direction every time I SEEK HIM! Usually it is in a quiet whisper through the prodding of my heart by the Holy Spirit when I least expect it, through discernment given by the Holy Spirit through scripture, through the opening of doors, through the closing of doors, through the wisdom of others seeking Him, through telling me I need to WAIT on Him and WAIT for an answer ... and the list goes on and on!

I have been seeking God for direction in an area of my life lately and this verse was a much needed reminder to me of God's promise to us to DIRECT US! Sometimes I feel like I need to figure things out RIGHT NOW ... not sure why the urgency as usually there is no need for it except for the purpose of ME knowing the details of MY future!

So today I am leaning on THIS SCRIPTURE, and the family picture above was added evidence (and reminder) to me that God does JUST THAT ... boy there are a lot of little children surrounding me =) God DOES direct our paths if we let Him ... and in the case of my family, some of us end up with MANY MORE children than what WE ever planned!!! THANK YOU JESUS for sooooooooooooo BLESSING me through each one of jewels you HAVE entrusted me with!
(The part about the "stumbling" was also comforting and encouraging, as I do lots of that at times ... )
