Okay, okay ... I KNOW I often reference the FACT that I do feel TOTALLY and COMPLETELY BLESSED =) !! Psalm 107 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever!"
Sam and I are both off from work this week ... so the constant time together as a family, OUTSIDE enjoying God's creation and blessings ... has ONCE again fully reminded me of what a blessed woman I am!
Here are some pictures from the last few days that speak to this fact! The first two pictures are of probably my FAVORITE place ... to just be ... walk, ride bikes, explore, play, pray, think ... I LOVE this park and on sunny days this park literally calls me =) So we picnic here ALL YEAR ROUND =) I love the park because it FILLS up my soul and shouts to me the evidence of God EVERYWHERE I look ... AND we have sooo much FUN here ... doing MANY different things!
I am BLESSED because I am created by AND loved by the Creator of the Universe!

This 4th picture is taken at another one of my favorite places ... a local BEAUTIFUL mountain! This picture was taken yesturday, after a FABELOUS time of sledding at Mt. Baker (and right before the ski bunny slopes with daddy)! Okay seriously, I did not think I would ever be sledding WITH FIVE kids! But it was awesome! The kids did SO GREAT! BUT the reason of being blessed in this picture - I am surrounded by PRECIOUS PRECIOUS jewels that God somehow deemed me worthy of being their mommy, He ENTRUSTED them to me (and Sam)! What unexpected JOY and BLESSINGS they are!!! And yes, "they are all MINE," and "YES, they are all sisters and brothers" ... to the fullest sense ...

This next picture was taken in China Town today ... we took Faith (and all of the kids) but we went mostly for Faith - to empower her in the beautiful Chinese American little girl that she is! She LOVED it ... every part of it which was so wonderful to see! We had lunch and mostly walked around and explored the shops!! This picture speaks to me of ALL of the wonderful things there are to do where we live ... outdoor adventures, cultural adventures ... pretty much any kind of adventure! Just in one day we went to China town - to BEAUTIFUL Stanley Park - for dinner with friends - and then ice skating (and that was just today)!! I LOVE in the great Northwest for sooo many reasons AND it is one of the things I feel particularily thankful for these days! We told the kids that next we will have to go for African food =)

This 6th picture reminds of another BLESSING ... my husband!! Seriously, do you see him with ADORABLE Kody on his back ... surrounded by our girls! Matteus and I walked behind him after I took this picture and you know what he was doing ... playing a game with the girls (if they stepped on the cracks, he tickled them)!!! OH MY HEART! Sam is an AMAZING dad and an AMAZING husband and that is another MAJOR reason of why I consided myself one blessed woman!

I could go on and on ... this last picture ... curious =) It was taken on Christmas eve, yep we made sushi (don't worry on Christmas day we had lamb in honor of my Faroese tradition)! The reason for sushi and ice cream cake was to celebrate the birthday of our KING ... so we thought we should choose our favorite things!! Christmas this year was simple, low key and awesome!! We tried to make it about the reason for the season ... the kids received one gift (scooters which they have already used lots) ... and we tried to more so than in the past make the FOCUS on JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am BLESSED because I have a KING, CREATOR, and SAVIOR ... who came in the form of baby many many years ago because HE LOVES ME (and you)!!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for all of the FUN things that we are able to do - THANK YOU for PLAY!
("To whom MUCH is given, MUCH is reqired" Luke 12:49 ... These last few days also CLEARLY remind of the fact that I have been given MUCH on so many levels!)