HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Kody!!!
Really where does the time go! It honestly feels like yesturday that we brought Kody HOME!! OH WHAT JOY the last year and a half have been of being Kody's forever mommy - Kody came HOME at about 7 months of age!!! With Kody's adoption story, we got to bear witness to almost every detail of his story - which was such a gift! As a result, with Kody's adoption story our faith was challenged and grew in leaps and bounds! It seemed like soooooo many battles took place in the spiritual realm, and it also felt like Kody came home at God's perfect time ... although for months my heart was all over the floor because I longed for my son to be home! It is amazing how when you are waiting for your child to come home that 2 1/2 months can seem like forever ... now in hindsight it was about 2 months after our first trip that Kody came home!!!
From day one Kody truly has been PURE JOY! He has the sweetest heart and such is a loving cuddly little guy! He also is an amazingly FUN little guy ... and he truly has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams! If I had known about how AMAZING he would be ... I would for sure not have resisted as much as I did when Bella started talking to us about adopting a boy - I would have trusted God more with growing our family to 4 kids =) In all honesty, Kody has been truly a dream adoption story in terms of attachment and transition! I honestly still watch Kody with an inside giggle and inside squeal ... and want someone to pinch me as I feel like the LUCKIEST mom in the whole wide world that I get to be Kody's forever mommy (although I personally do not believe it has anything to do with luck but rather with the Creator of the Universe)! I never thought I would have two sons ... and honestly they both feel like wonderful sacred gifts from my Heavenly Father! One of my sons was born in my tummy and one was born in my heart - and I ADORE THEM BOTH SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

Kody now ... these pictures were taken within the last month =)

This picture of Bella and Kody was taken within the first month of Kody being home! It is at Whistler, our dear friends the DeAndreas having come for a visit ... and me still being very sickly because I was recovering from typhoid! This picture is SO SPECIAL ... because God used Bella to plan the seed in our hearts for Kody! When Bella was 4 she started saying, "mom, we should adopt a little boy from Africa!" She kept it up for at least half a year ... us at that point starting to exlpore adopting from Africa - God using the Sheehan family to bring our hearts to Ghana and to Romana/Beacon H ouse!!! About a year and a half later of when our daughter started persistently speaking into our lives ...we brought Kody HOME!!

This picture was taken at the end of July - when I went to Ghana for the 2nd time - and when I went by MYSELF!!! God MOVED THE MOUNTAINS on this trip and a trip I thought would take a month - and a trip I thought would end in HEARTACHE because I would have to again leave our son - ended with JOY after 2 1/2 weeks of being in Ghana! GOD PROVIDED Kody's PASSPORT and Kody came home ... at the age of seven months! JOY! JOY! JOY!

This picture was taken RIGHT before we had to board the airplane to head back home, after having just spent a week with our precious son! If you notice my nose is red, I had cried MANY TEARS ... it was truly only with God's strength that I was able to leave our precious son!! Although God provided the MOST WONDERFUL FAMILY who was Kody's foster family, who had already LOVED him back to HEALTH ... and my heart was completely at peace and fully blessed knowing they would continue to be his family - until he could come HOME!

This picture was taken RIGHT after we landed in Ghana ... it was the first time we got to meet and hold our SWEET BABY BOY!!! Oh what JOY!!! This was 3 months after we first got to SEE our baby boy's face!
