Amongst the heartache in Haiti this week ... there was celebration in Ethiopia today and right here in my own town as well! Today in Ethiopia another orphan became no longer an orphan and instead became the legal and forever daughter of our dear friends!!
Soo although my heart is still heavy ...
And prayers are constantly being uttered for Haiti ...
Today while at work I said an AMEN, HALLELUJAH, PRAISE the LORD ... and I'm still saying them!! YIPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! OH MY HEART!!!
The details of today's court date (which are not mine to share) SHOUT to me of the evidence of our Creator and King! All week I (along with many others) have been praying for a MIRACLE, I have been praying for God to intervene and DO HIS THING!!!!!!!!! Soooooooooo truly today's success in court is ALL HIS CREDIT!! It is ALL as a result of HIS DOING!!!!!
I truly am in AWE of the details that our God TAKES CARE OF!!!!!!!!!
Today also makes me smile on a different level! I recall the dad for the last couple of years saying, "we are DONE" (with such conviction)! I remember last summer his heart beginning to change, and then BOTH of them saying we are going to take our time - we are going to make sure we have ALL of the finances for every step this time (it is their 2nd adoption, and 5th child) ... they told us how it would probably take them a couple of years!! Then over a couple of weeks in August/September EVERYTHING changed and God SPOKE and showed them both that the ADORABLE little waiting jewel was MEANT TO BE THEIRS!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo instead of following their own plans, they followed God and NOW just several months later they have a BEAUTIFUL new daughter!
Ohhhhhhhhhh, it amazes me of how God works!
My friends story of faith INSPIRES me!!!
It reminds me once again that if God calls us HE WILL PROVIDE, and HE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE DETAILS ... in His time and in His ways ... not ours!!