Life is short and we never know when the day before us will be our LAST!!! This week has brought repeated reminders of that!
My week at work started on Tuesday with news that a healthy mother that I have known for several years was in the hospital fighting for her LIFE (she is still fighting)! This was HEARTBREAK! This sweet mother is younger than I am, she is ONLY 32 years old ... and in an instant her life changed and now she is fighting for it! Every day that I've worked this week has been full of helping her daughter at our school, process and walk through the enormous amount of feelings that she is experiencing!
Then on Wednesday came news of an accident in town at a local farm ... the result being that a dad in his 20's of 3 little girls died in an instant ... in a seemingly random accident!
Then on Thursday I heard of another local incident, resulting in the death of 3 lives!
WOW!!! We truly never know the amount of days God has ordained for each one of our lives!
Sam and I have always clung on to the saying, "CARPE DIEM" ... which means to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! To me a life fully lived is when we: seize every moment, seize every opportunity, when we do the things we have been called to, when we do things we were created for, when we POUR love on those around you, when we POUR on love on those far, when we POUR on love on those in need, when we play hard with those we love, when we laugh lots, when we smell the flowers, when we give of ourselves fully to whatever God puts before us (...)!
It is a life lived with a MINIMAL amount of regrets!
It is a life lived in the spirit of our sweet Kody ... who finds PURE JOY in everything, and lives truly every moment with sheer passion!! LOVE IT!
"IF not NOW, WHEN?"
This is a saying that flashes on my blog! I am not referring to things that God has clearly told us to wait on - nor am I referring to selfish things that God has clearly told us no to - I am talking about those things that we know we were created for that we don't do ...
It all ties in to CARPE DIEM for me!
Anyhow, thought I would SHARE the once again renewed perspective God gave me this week through at a times very difficult week ...
Sooooooooooooooo HUG your spouse, HUG your kids, HUG your friends, HUG your mom, HUG your dad, HUG your sisters, HUG your brothers, HUG your neighbor, HUG those you love and tell them you love them ... and SHOW them you love them with TIME spent!!!
AND if there is "something" that you KNOW God is calling you to do ... but you are scared ... take the LEAP OF FAITH and DO IT!!! This post seems like it could appear to some to be shallow and superficial ... but to me the depth of the meaning of CARPE DIEM cuts to the core of my soul ... and to me there is no room for an easy/convenient life in a life that CARPE DIEMS (I don't know if that makes sense) ... FOR GOD!
Make 2010 your BEST year so far!
I am praying that God does that with mine!
Thanks for the encouragement today!
Love the photo from your kitchen window... :)
Hugs to you dear friend!