"The Red Letters, Living a Faith that Bleeds," by Tom Davis starts out with this
"The Christian church owes an apology to the almost fifty million individuals in our world currently infected with HIV/AIDS. Those of us who claim to follow Christs's teachings should be ashamed for what little we've done to help the countless millions of women, children, and orphans who have died or are dying. Entire nations are going up in flames while we watch them burn."
Does this have your attention? It has mine! I've had this book on my reading list for a while now and just now have gotten to it ... I'm half way through already (I started reading it today)! I totally reccomend this book, along with so many other convicting and inspiring books!
Tom continues to say, "We CAN make a difference. We can change the world. When we lead with compassion, we can move from apology to action. And out of action springs hope - hope and life."
He later quotes Mother Teresa (who has been my personal hero since I was a teen), "The dying, the crippled, the mentally ill, the unwanted, the unloved - they are Jesus in disguise ... Through the poor people I have an opportunity to be 24 hours a day with Jesus."
And he says, "learn to live a faith that is so real, you bleed Jesus. Here's how to start: Look for Jesus EVERY morning in the eyes of the people you meet. And then look for Him in the mirror."
Lord, please HELP ME to live a faith that is sooooooooo real, - that I bleed Jesus all over everything I do! THANK YOU JESUS for that you do not need us to do your work, but instead that you allow us the sacred priviledge to be your hand and feet in what you are aleady doing! Help me to be open to do whatever you call me to do! THANK YOU for that it is ALL ABOUT YOU, and not about me!