I always have been proud, but I do have to say that watching the Olympics over the last week beginning with the opening ceremonies has made me even prouder!! I am not saying that I agree with the "amount" of money that we spend on putting each olympic on (I don't), as I can come up with soooooooo many other ways that we could spend the money that would result in saved and changed lives for too many to count! That is another whole entire post, and it is not the purpose of this post! The purpose of this post is just to say YEAH, SOOOOOO AWESOME, we just came back from a day up in Vancouver and we had such a GREAT time! How amazingly cool to be a part of and right in the middle of such an historcial event! In the first picture we are holding one of the Olympic torches ... ohhhhhhhh, soooo FUN ... the 2010 Winter Olympics! Sooo EXCITING!
In this picture we are in front of the Olympic FLAME ... sooooooo COOL!
This next picture ... I included it in here ... because yes our family does get LOTS of looks but honestly I had just ran acroos the street to grab something from a convenient store as the kids were having a snack break and as I walked out and saw my AWESOME God given family ... AND it even made me kind of pause and step back in awe at how many there are of us! LOL =) We took the sky train into Vancouver and did lots of walking (except Kody) and ALL of our precious jewels did SO GREAT!!!! We even ended the day with going out for dinner (we can't pass up all of the different ethic food that there are across the border) ... we all enjoyed a delicious Korean dinner (one of Sam and my favorites)!

Both of the last two pictures that I took were just so beautiful, I thought ... so I thought I would share them! For all you Canadians out there, the flag reflected of of two other buildings beside the one it was on and it looked soooooo awesome!
