I had the nicest wake up this morning! While I was still laying in my bed, I received several sweet little kisses right on my lips! Nope not from my honey, he was already off to work ... instead they were from our sweet little Kody! Kody is getting more and more intentional in his affections, what a BLESSING to this mamma's heart!
SWEET and what JOY!
In the middle of feeling SO EXTREMELY BLESSED ... my heart wanders and makes me think about the millions of little precious ones still waiting for a mommy that they can give early morning smooches to!
THANK YOU JESUS for that in the midst of the VERY SAD major loss early on in Kody's life, you INTERVENED MIRACLOUSLY and worked the unjust into GOOD! THANK YOU JESUS for the sacred gift of Kody and that He is no longer an orphan, but instead MY SON! THANK YOU that adoption is possible for precious ones that no longer have a family to call their own!
(P.S. A very recent picture of me and SWEET Kody)
so, we are seriously thinking of coming up to Vancouver on Sat. for the day. The timing would have to be flexible, but would you be around in the early evening/late afternoon for us to stop by on our way through? No worries if you are busy, it is very last minute!
BTW, you've been awarded a "Beautiful Blogger" award. You can check out details on my blog. :)