He grew and he grew ... and tomorrow he turns FIVE! I can hardly believe it, it seems yesturday that I brought him home from the hospital and I was thinking HOW AM I GOING TO DO THIS, we have twoooooooooooooo kids =) LOL =)
In just a little while our buddy will be entering kindergarten, OH MY HEART! From day one, he has been a complete BLESSING! I totally ADORE my oldest son, and you will never hear me say that I've gotten toooo many cuddles from him! He is turning 5, yet I would say that he is still the most physically affectionate out of all of our precious jewels AND I LOVE it! Some days I could easily loose track of the amount of kisses and hugs he has given me! He is a total cuddle bug - and usually can be found RIGHT in my lap ... this has been his personality from day one!
I would have to say he is simultaneously the busiest out of all of our precious jewels, although I wouldn't be surprised if Kody quickly will take that title =) The amount of CREATIONS Matteus has made already in his little life, makes me smile! Give him a rope and a back yard, and to him, THE SKY is the LIMIT! It is truly AMAZING ... he has a gift of imagination and for putting things together ... anywhere (literally) and out of anything (literally)!
Also underneath his busy tumble ways is a sweet little spirit that already LOVES His Creator! This year he told me, "mom, I love God more than I love pancakes." Matteus totally LOVES pancakes (it is what we are making him in the morning), so his statement spoke VOLUMES to this mamma's heart!
And underneath our very busy, swimming, bike riding, skiing little boy is also a compassionate spirit who also already understands His Father's heart for the orphan and those less fortunate in our society! It was our sweet boy who when he saw a picture of our now daughter Ella first asked if she had a family - and when the answer was no - he right away said, "we should be her family! We should adopt her!" His latest was that we should adopt, "THREE more kids!" And when I asked him why, he said, "because God told me!" YIKES =)
I could go on and on (like I could about all of our jewels) about how much I ADORE Matteus and about how THANKFUL I am for him! THANK YOU JESUS for our sweet, smart, fun, funny, loving, honest, thoughtful, compassionate, and AMAZING buddy! He is a sacred gift to this mamma's heart!