These verses brought such enormous clarity and confirmation this week for me! They REMINDED me that that God MEETS US when He calls us to do something --- whatever the something is! Sometimes the WAY He meets us is not at all the way that we planned, but regardless HE MEETS US!!! It also REMINDED of the tooo many things to count that God HAS DONE in my life ... and of the things He HAS YET TO DO! They reminded me to TRUST His directions and callings.
Ohhh do I often wish that OTHERS would understand the things that I feel called to! I don't wish that others be called to what I feel called to (well sometimes I do), but I do wish that others would at least "understand" with the eyes of Christ instead of the eyes of the world. Simultaneously with our many human flaws, our heart for orphans flows out of feeling completely loved and adored by the Creator and King of the Universe. Yes we also adopt because there is a need for the MILLIONS of orphans in the world WITHOUT families; and yes we also adopt because we believe caring for orphans (not neccesarily adoption) SHOULD be part of what defines Christ's Church; and yes we also adopt because we believe we have been given MUCH and to whom much is given much is required. But even more than any of those things, we adopt in response to being totally LOVED by our Creator and King ... in a lot of ways it is an act of worship to us. I don't know if that makes sense!!
Although honestly yes those reasons seem like "good reasons" but the reward so to speak and the blessings through EACH ONE OF OUR CHILDREN ... I can't really find quite the right words ... jewels, jewels, jewels, jewels, jewels, jewels ... the JOY we have received without expecation through each one of our jewels is endless and overwhelming (notice I didn't say easy and convenient life but one FULL OF JOY ... yet let me also be CLEAR, God MEETS US in the hard and difficult)!
Yet I take AWESOME comfort in that God truly has surrounded us with a CLOSE circle of friends, friends who I know that regardless of HOW MANY little jewels we end up with this side of eternity ... they will STILL love us and be our friends =) So when people stare, ask intrusive and hurtful questions ... I take comfort in that I AM DOING WHAT I HAVE BEEN CALLED TO and that we DO have several dear dear friends that GET our hearts (and even on-line connections with families that also GET IT and have similar callings and passions)!! Thank you friends, we love each one of you! Thank you like minded bloggers who also share your heart on line!
Look at the FIVE GLORIOUS little beings God HAS BLESSED us with! Ohhh, the miracles and joys through each one! THANK YOU JESUS!
(Yes this mamma LOVES to take pictures)
Joy that only comes from the Lord can be experienced through sacrifice, it's not about our feelings it's about God and exalting His kingdom.
It takes amazing courage to step out and just say Yes, Lord whenever you are called.
I soo love you guys and your sweet hearts. Good for you and your growing family.