AND yes you guess it, both Kody and Gwendolyn were adopted from Ghana ... from AMAZING Beacon House, a place where the children are nurtured and cherished ... run by an AMAZING woman, Romana!
So I've been thinking ... how AWESOME it would be for Jase to also have a best friend ... a best friend who also shares his country of origin!
Soooo I thought I would share a fact ... about two weeks ago (or so) TWO HUNDRED (plus) precious jewels got added to the China shared waiting list! Did you catch that, TWO HUNDRED PAPER READY WAITING ORPHANS ... waiting for their forever family to find them and claim them!
This is two hundred added to the already hundred (or hundreds, not totally sure) of waiting little ones! In addition at least half a dozen agencies have individual waiting lists as well!
Did you catch it ... there are PAPER READY waiting orphans in China RIGHT NOW! Yes, China has added some stringent requirements ... but Sam and I qualified, you might too! Sooo to answer some of your questions IF you are now pondering China/adoption for your family =) No, the time frame for China's special need kiddos is NOT a long time ... Faith was home within six months of starting the process! We will see for Jase of WHEN God's perfect time is! Yes, you can handle the special needs (some of them really are SO MINOR)!!! Yes it is Biblical (God's heart for the orphans is consistent throughout God's Word and God role modeled adoption through adopting each one of us and through HIS son being adopted by his earthly father Joseph)! Yes God will provide for your financial NEEDS that will arise through your adoption! Yes, it does feel like you are jumping of a BRIDGE (that is how it should FEEL, making it all that much more what God is calling you to)!
Go to this blog for more information: http://www.nohandsbutours.com/ there is a WEALTH of information on this site!
P.S. There are waiting kiddos in pretty much EVERY country doing international adoption, including here in the US ... I just thought I would highlight China for the moment!! Oh, and FYI Kody wouldn't mind another best friend from Ghana/Africa either =)
Heidi, George & 4 more
I do love the giggles of this pure friendship!
Thanks for sharing...and always getting the word out about the waiting kids! We will continue to pray for the families that are considering taking action...that the Holy Spirit will continue to do what he does...and families will respond!
Hugs my friend...by the way...2 sleeps till Gabe is home! WOW!