Meet our precious precious new son! OH MY HEART!
This was not his referral picture, but instead an updated picture we have received!
This was not his referral picture, but instead an updated picture we have received!
Faith thinks her new brother is CUTE, and she thinks he has a cute name =) We all agree!
This picture is OH SO PRECIOUS, and means SOOOO MUCH! To be able to SEE our new son, was such a GIFT! With our last two adoptions we received many updated pictures (especially with Kody from amazing mamma Heidi), I don't anticipate we will receive any more pictures until our son comes HOME!
It is ALL still SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SURREAL! I honestly don't know quite how to FEEL ... still!! A big part of me wants to guard my heart as I know what lies ahead, the completion of our paperchase and the dreaded wait! At least for me, EVERY time we have adopted ... the wait truly is a dread and the hardest part! It is HARD to not be able to do DO anything, relying completely on OTHERS (usually foreign governments) to do their parts! And I also know the reality of when our precious son comes home, that it will be AMAZING but also inherently difficult!
Although as in all of the times previously when we have adopted the foreign goverments are NOT who I ultimately rely on! I RELY and LEAN LEAN LEAN on my Creator to bring our son HOME in His time!
It also blows my mind to think back just over the four weeks since saying YES, as I didn't think six weeks ago that we would be doing what we are doing ... adding another precious new son! Just within the last week alone I have been poked, examined, finger printed and have had to leave a part of me in a cup ... and that is just in a week =)
At the beginning of this year I wrote "I TRUST YOU JESUS" on my white board in the kitchen, as a reminder to myself that I wanted that phrase to be the over-riding theme to my year! Although I think now that God was preparing my heart even then, I truly had NO IDEA what lied ahead and how that phrase I would truly have to lean on!
With every adoption I believe what is required emotionally, financially and spiritually is HUGE!!! So I have been praying that God fill my heart with PEACE and that He take away any worry that so easyly can creep into my heart when it comes to the obstacles that we encounter to bring our children HOME!!! Finances is one of those areas ... AND so it blows my heart and mind that as of today we will have paid our first fee! We PAID our first fee ... we paid our first fee ... some of you will get how ENORMOUS this is ... at the beginning of this week we were not sure HOW we were going to do this! AND all because two people CHOOSE to respond and partner with us financially in bringing home our son! One of who is a dear friend who we did not even send a need letter to, another one being one of the most generous and kindest people I have met who EVERY time has supported us! We actually gave Ella this amazing woman's middle name! I want to respect their privacy, otherwise I would go on and on about both people!
THANK YOU JESUS for our adorable and precious new son, who I KNOW you have in the palm of your hands, and I know that even right now you are protecting his heart! THANK YOU JESUS that you already have ALL of the details of Jase coming HOME taking care of! THANK YOU for the miracles you have already done ... our quick pre-approval ... and the for PROVIDING for our first financial need! THANK YOU for the many more miracles I know YOU are going to do! THANK YOU for that I get to be part of what YOU ARE DOING!
THANK YOU everyone for your congrats and kind words! They mean a lot!