It is amazing to me how God prepares our hearts! My prayer for this adoption has been and is that God will completely GUARD and guide my heart! It is very easy for me to get caught up in the whole PAPERCHASE that is involved in bringing home our precious jewels, where I make it more about me and what I'm doing or not doing --- instead of giving ALL my worries to God! And so my prayer has been that when God wants me to move (to do something) I will, and when He wants me to be still and do NOTHING but rest IN HIM that I will do that too!
I soooooooooo want to keep on living IN THE MOMENT so to speak with my other five jewels at home and don't want to get so caught up in paperchasing that I loose focus of where it should be!!
All to say that on Tuesday I felt God saying, 'it is time for the next step, it is time to do," ... so I got out all of my paperwork and just had the sense that we needed to start working on the I-800 ... then the next day just felt like in a totally peaceful way that I needed to follow up with our social worker and so I did to find out the next day that our homestudy is "almost done!" They just needed a couple more documents which I IMMEDIATELY scanned and e-mailed over to them! So we are getting ready for the next step ... the filing of the I-800 and are simultaneously TRUSTING God's TIME of when that will be!
Sooooooooooooo for now (and always) I CELEBRATE and give PRAISE to MY GOD who takes care of all of the details of my life! And the THING I alluded to a couple of weeks back (the difficult thing) ... it is still NOT figured out but we are walking and trusting!
It is funny the kids were talking about where Jase would sit in our van today ... the problem though is that there is no where for him to sit ... we are all out of seats! I KNOW God will take care of that detail too!
I took these pictures today ... nothing to do with the post ... but OH THE JOY of warm weather, sprinklers and bathing suits =) And although quite honestly my heart is still in quite a bit of shock that we are even adding jewel number six, I simultaneously feel that there is a little jewel missing ... I soooo can already hear the sounds of his pitter patter and his giggles and squeals! JOY!