Eight years ago on Mother's Day God gave me the BEST BEST BEST surprise present I have ever ever ever ever received in my whole life!! I had NO IDEA on the Sunday before that the following Sunday my whole life would CHANGE and I would celebrate my first Mother's Day, being the mom of the most sweetest two day old baby girl!!! Who does that you probably wonder, an unplanned adoption? God DOES that!!! And you are wondering how is that even possible, an unplanned adoption ... with God ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!!! And God did it ALL!!! He literally within a weekend handed me the most beautiful baby DAUGHTER!!!
So today I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most beautiful eight year old that I know! My DAUGHTER who I adore, has not only a beautiful smile but also a BEAUTIFUL heart!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bella, it is a JOY and a sacred honor to be your forever mom! And now we are OFF to celebrate her and Mother's Day (she had a friends tea party yesturday) ... we have a date that she planned months ago when she realized that this year her birthday and Mother's Day landed on the same day =)