Today we had a garage sale!! Another sweet friend who is also adopting did it with us, us raising funds for their adoption and ours!
And so now as I think back on the day, I'm feeling a bit like one of the disciples at the feeding of the multitude Luke 9! You know the story about the little boy that had 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and how Jesus blessed the food and then used what was given to feed thousands!
Nope, we didn't raise thousands of dollars ... however what was raised SO EXCEEDED my expectations! And not only do I feel SO BLESSED in a real TANGIBLE way from today, it SO HELPING meet our need for our next payment ... our I-800 fee!!! I'm kind of taking the fees of this adoption, ONE STEP at a time!! I will think about each one as it comes!!
What makes me think of this story is how I kind of viewed the garage sale as an opportunity from our Creator. Although we had been talking about doing a garage sale within the last few weeks, two weeks ago another family had a garage sale and had LOTS of stuff left which they kindly and graciously donated to us! Although it seemed there was lots already on our agendas we couldn't say no ... as we had been trying to figure out HOW we were going to pay for this next step!!
So my heart for today was that God would be glorified and honored --- this was my prayer going in to today! In the middle of all of the WORK of getting ready for today I didn't want to think about how much or how little today would bring ... but rather that God would BLESS it for His Kingdom!!! And He SO DID!!! It pretty much poured rain ALL DAY LONG!!! But we had a pretty steady flow and it brought in way more than what I expected!
So in a VERY HUMBLE way I feel like I brought my five loaves and fishes before my King and Father and He MULTIPLIED it beyond my expectations!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for your PROVISIONS! THANK YOU for what you do!!!
In sooooo many ways I too feel like one of the disciples on that day versus the little boy who graciously gave the food ... in that about a handful of friends SO BLESSED us today by the way they supported us and LOVED on us!!! We had three different friends give real valuable stuff that really brought in a lot of the funds (AWESOME), one of these friends baked all day yesturday for goodies to sell today and then made us dinner last night and then helped us set up and then brought us coffee first thing this morning at 7AM (WOW), and then we had another one of these friends who gave stuff who brought us lunch and helped us take down (YEAH) ... and then we had a couple of different friends who gave us money which we so weren't expecting which so totally humbled and blessed us (AMAZING)!!!
Soooooooo as you can seeeeeeeee I am feeling completely BLESSED for so many different aspects from today!! It makes me think about how when we first moved to town we are in now how I prayed for dear sweet friends who shared our hearts to live life with ... and how God soooooooo honored that and blessed us with amazing friendships! One of the friends mentioned above actually moved away for a while and I remember grieving her ... and now not only has God brought her back, but He has blessed me with several other amazing friendships as well! THANK YOU JESUS for the gift of friendship, and for the many Godly women you have brought into my life to walk along side me!
Soooooo now we wait for our police clearance from Canada, since China is Hague we need clearances from everywhere that we have lived and Canada is taking their sweet time! It has been several weeks and as soon as it comes our homestudy will be done and we will file our I-800!!! And in case you are wondering the THING from about a month back now or so ... God is still to reveal the details of HOW it is going to work out ... I am thinking that within the next couple of weeks I will know!!!
Praise with ME our Creator, Father and King who not only provides for our needs but blesses us way beyond what we neeeeeeeed!!! THANK YOU Father!
(Kody LOVED having a garage sale ... he especially loved the heated chair massager ... I lost count of how long he sat in it!!! And unlike his sisters and brothers he never once thought watching a movie would be more fun than being at the garage sale =))