Tears ... ohhh the sweetness and JOY of our Faith!! And if only I could tell you ALL of what we have walked with her ... but I won't because that is HER story and for HER to share!!
For my side of the attachment process let me just say that MY CREATOR "turned my mourning into dancing" so to speak and actually literally about a year ago now or so!
Soooooooo WHEN Faith does the sweet things that she so often does, they mean that much more! Faith is a very passionate and introspective person, she loves to talk and share her thoughts and opinions with me ... about pretty much anything!
So when she tells me something, I make sure I listen really good! And when she makes me pictures, I treasure them that much more!
So yesturday when I was out she made me three notes, with words and beautiful pictures! She told me about her notes when I got home, but with a HUGE GRINNING ear to ear smile told me I would have to wait to tomorrow to receive them, telling me that she would read them to me! Sam helped her spell the words correctly as Faith is very determined these days to spell words correctly, but he did not at all help her write the notes!
And I wanted to share them! However before I do that, I want to ask that you do NOT view these pictures as any kind of reflection of me but instead of the AMAZING God who we serve who does MIRACLE after miracle! And I want you to view them as HOPE if in the event that you are walking difficult attachment journeys with precious little ones right now, let my daughter's story and voice bring hope to what you are facing! And I want to share them as a reminder that God SPEAKS THROUGH OUR CHILDREN, if we take the time to listen! I needed these WORDS today ... they meant the world ... I am still processing them!
Note 1
"I have a mommy and I am from China and I love you mommy love Faith"
Note 2
"I love you mommy and you are special love Faith"
Note 3
"God will tell you about havin a baby named Jase Love Faith"
SERIOUSLY, how did I get soooooooooooooo BLESSED in that I get to be Faith's forever mom! Me?!?! Very flawed me!!! Faith was a special needs waiting precious one, but I think we were the SPECIAL ONES ... that God SOMEHOW deemed us special enough to be her forever mom and dad!
There are hundreds of waiting orphans in China right now!
There are over 146 million orphans in the world right now!
God's heart BREAKS for the orphan, any kind of study of HIS WORD reveals this ... should NOT our heart break for the orphan too??
No, I don't think everyone is called to adopt, but I do think everyone is called to DO SOMETHING ...
Do whatever IT is that God is calling you to do!
He WILL meet you!
He WILL be faithful!