Soccer Stars!

Tonight was the kids' last soccer game!!! Ella, Matteus and Faith ALL were on the same team!! YEAH! Bella played t-ball this time around!! It truly was so much fun to watch them!!

It was especially neat to see Faith play soccer-- it was the first time for all three of them -- as she clearly has some natural skills when it comes to sports AND she looooooooooooves it!!! She really is such a strong girl, as well as completely determined, and full of passion! It really was such a JOY to watch her!! Soccer was my main sport all the way through high school so that makes it especially fun for me - and I to this day wish I was on an adult league =) It would be a blast!

It is such a GIFT when our children find things that they LOVE to do, whether it is academic, artistic, athletic, and so forth!

Ella and Matteus had fun ... but for different reasons than Faith! I think they enjoyed more the social aspect of the game, where Faith loved the game!

She is a GIFT our Faith! It blows my mind to think of how far she has come -- if only I could have gotten a "glimpse" of now that first year home with her! It is such an HONOR to be her forever mom!

Sooo our Faith loves sports and hates dresses! This is a total random fact about her! Just yesturday she was reminding me of how she is "allergic" to dresses! LOL!!! I would have to say that I'm not much of a dress girl myself either =)
(I can't the rest of the picture to upload, so the one of Matteus will have to do for now)!
