Every literal five seconds,
a child DIES from malnutrition and/or unclean water!
Did you get that?
Did your heart pause?
As you read this, one child, somewhere in the world has died!
A precious, sweet, adorable jewel has died!
What are WE going to do about it??
I have heard this FACT before but hearing it again today from our Pastor has brought it straight to forefront of my heart! What am I going to do about it?? I want to do more! I can do more! I am called to do more!!
What if that one child that just died was our "own" child! Wouldn't you move the world to save and feed your own child? Consider changing your perspective to the FACT that the child that just died is your Creator's child and consequently yours as well!
What are WE going to do about it??
Wouldn't it be ... I can't think of the appropriate word ... AMAZING ... if our generation stopped hoarding our resources and ended world hunger so much so that no children NO LONGER died from the lack of food and clean water! We can END IT! Why don't we?
Yes, I know it is more complicated than what I just stated ... but I also know that it is not too complicated for all of us to join TOGETHER and END! A simple start ... sponsor more children ... give more to ministries (check my links) that doing their part!
THANK YOU Father for EVERYTHING you have given me! HELP me to live a more generous life that looks more to the needs of others than my own!
(I took the picture in Northern Ghana)
I'm in!
What if we could get 20 families to donate $500 at Christmas?! We could dig a well for an entire village! Many of us would have to partner with our children, and ask them to sacrifice too (not so many toys at Christmas!), but what an opportunity for them too! They can be part of the transformation of lives! They can free girls from hours of carrying water each day, and save kiddos' from preventable water-borne diseases! It would give them the opportunity to SHOW the love of Jesus!
Ultimately, I think that would make Him SMILE! :)
Kelly : )