YIPPEEEEEEE, one step closer to bringing home our JASE!
Last week we received our clearance from Canada (which took much longer than expected)!! And as of this week our homestudy was released and was sent in with our I-800 application to USCIS!!
It is still alllllllllllllllllllll soooooooooooooooooooooooo SURREEEEEEEAAAAAAAL that we are going to SIX kids =) WOW!!
Just today I got, "you have got your hands full!" Most days I really don't like comments that reference how many kids I have! Honestly, God PROVIDES me with the strength, discernment and energy that I need! I don't always receive it the way He intends, i.e. I lean on myself instead of Him, but He ALWAYS picks me back up! He provides for my needs as a working (part-time) MOM OF ALMOST SIX KIDS ... and I know He will continue to! AND my kids are happy, well adjusted, completely loved and poured into ... God not only takes care of me, but also every single one of our jewels!
I'm not sure who it is that uses this line but I loooooove it ... "if you think my hands are full, you should see my HEART!" Love it! Love it! Love it!
I'm thinking this weekend the fact that we are adding another precious jewel might become more reality for me ... we are driving a couple of hours south to pick up our new 9 passenger suburban!! Sam has been on the hunt, mostly looking on craigslist and such ... his dad who lives down south checked out the car and brought it to a mechanic and it looks like we are going to buy it! It is an older (2000) and it seems like a great deal and a great fit for our growing family! Which also means we need to sell our Honda Civic a car which we bought over ten years ago ... a car that I NEVER thought we would get rid of, never mind outgrow =)
Amazing, the journeys God brings us on ...
This journey also makes me think back to just a little over a year ago now when we were close to bringing Ella home from Ghana and people would ask us if were done! I so remember telling people how we didn't have any more room in our van so we had to be done! Again, AMAZING the journeys God brings us on ...
I honestly don't like that question either ... as it doesn't get to the core of our hearts, it doesn't get to that our ultimate plan and purpose is not about how many kids we have or what we think our life should involve and look like ... we want to live THE LIFE that God calls us to, and for us, He seems to reveal usually only one step at a time ...
Kody for some reason keeps reminding me, "Jase is coming!" He will say it out of the blue, almost every day now! Yes I have been talking with him about it, as I think it sooo helps get him ready to be a big brother ... we talk about sharing with Jase, sharing his room, sharing his toys, sharing mommy and daddy!!
Totally random but I'm hoping to potty train Kody here "soon" ... I have three more days of work and then I'm on summer vacation for 2 1/2 months and when ever I talk with Kody about it he right away says "ride a bike!" He sooooooooo wants to learn to ride a bigger bike, versus the tricycle we have for him and somehow in his sweet little mind he thinks potty training and bike riding go hand in hand =) CUTE!
THANK YOU JESUS for the so richly blessed life you have given me! THANK YOU for that you have an amazing purpose and plan for my life! THANK YOU for that you don't limit the plan You have for me based on my own ideas and wants! THANK YOU for the many times when I don't know what the next step will be, You ALWAYS DO!