See the view Kody is enjoying, that was our VIEW on our whole trip! We went to see Omma (my mom) and Grandpa Jerome (they live 2 1/2 hours away)! AND we had such a great time, digging in the dirt, feeding the animals, exploring, hiking, being outside, looking for wild deer and birds/owls ... and so on! It was such a BLESSED trip!
My personal opinion is that all of us, including me, need to follow more the role model of our children and PLAY! I believe that God created us to spend more time playing than what we as a culture do! His creation is meant to be explored and admired, from up close and personal ... not from a screen! Just my own personal thought! This weekend was an awesome reminder of that!
My kids loove loove loove to explore and play and can do it for LITERAL hours! This weekend was an awesome reminder to me of that passion that God has wired in me for that exact same thing! I LOVE to be outside, hiking is one of my favorite things!
Because of my outside of the home work and because of where we live the winter is not an ideal time to do this! Two more weeks and I'm on SUMMER VACATION and oh do I have a lot of playing planned! It is going to be AWESOME and I can't wait!
THANK YOU JESUS for again the evidence of you everywhere!
THANK YOU for that whether inside my mom's house or outside, your beautiful creation looked me right in the face ... and reminded me of YOU! I stand in AWE of you!

P.S. Whenever I back my children I always think of the women in Ghana who back their children as a neccessity SO they can do what they need to do, versus me doing it more for fun!
P.PS. Can you tell how much my children ADORE my mom! I do too!