3 beautiful angels!
3 sweet little girls once orphans now daughters! 3 amazing little girls who once shared the same orphanage roof at amazing Beacon House in Ghana, now home with their OWN forever families and still connected with each other! How way cool is that!
ALL God's doing! ALL God's miracles!
Praise WITH me!
When I today took the picture above it immediately brought back the moment of when I took the picture below! And it reminded me of what an awesome God we serve, a God who is able to do SOOOO MUCH more than what we could ever begin to imagine! Thinking about everything that God HAS DONE AND IS STILL DOING actually blows my mind AND my heart! It leaves me specchless, in awe, and on my knees!
And it reminds me that we serve a FAITHFUL God who WILL provide when He calls us to do something! The providing might is often not according to our own plans, agenda's or terms and often there is consequently tears involved yet simultaneously so many unexpected blessings and times of growing in faith!
Right NOW there are 1200 children on the shared WAITING LIST IN CHINA! That means there are 1200 orphans PAPER READY ... waiting for their own family! There are 1200 precious little angels who are WAITING just like the three angels in the above picture ONCE WAITED!! If God IS CALLING you to adoption TRUST HIM to take care of the details! HE IS FAITHFUL! Just look at these pictures of Ella with two of her sweet friends and SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES WHAT HE HAS DONE!!!
my brain! Truly, being able to see all the
BH kids run skip play dig and giggle blesses
my heart! To be able to visit, share friendship
with the families blesses as well!
Thanks for posting!
I have a picture of John and "m" the day
they came into Bh together and pictures
of them playing here on the beach and
legos at our homes.... There are not words
to cover the blessed amazement I have.