After a couple of months of Faith being home I remember mentioning to Sam and a few friends that I wondered if Faith could hear us clearly! Although it was a repeated concern for me I pushed my thoughts away as we were in the middle of MAJOR transitioning and attachment!!
Repeatedly throughout the years that followed the same concern would come up but it was difficult to get a reliable test done as Faith seemed to have so many obstacles in terms of processing and understanding what was going on!
Then when Faith hit kindergarten she literally took off academically and surprised all of us! I honestly had serious concerns regarding my daughter and her cognitive abilities! Faith performed near the top of her class ... Although I also know that this is in part too because of the 2 1/2 years she spent at the specialized preschool through our school district (I sooo reccomend it) and because we started her a year later (I also reccomend that for some adopted kids) ...
Then came the school hearing tests and Faith failed them! We took her in to our pediatrician and she had another ear infection! I say another, because I have lost track of how many ear infections Faith has had! It seems every year when I have taken Faith in for her annual health exam she has had an ear infection that she has not complained about, as well as many others in between that she has complained about and been treated for!
So our wonderful pediatrician referred us to a specialist and at the beginning of the summer we had our appointment! Without blinking, the doctor reccomened Faith getting tubes in her ears and the surgery was scheduled for last week! The repeated ear infections, the fluid he could see in her ears, the fact that he couldn't see her ear drum ... and her syndactology (sp?) was enough concern for him! The syndactology (I should look it up) references her hand and feet abnormalities, he explained how often syndromes come with 3 identifiable struggles/abnormalities ... Faith only has two identified ...
Last week was Faith's NINTH surgery!
That fact alone still blows my mind!
Faith has had seven surgeries on her hands, one on her foot, and now one in her ears! Our Faith is quite the trooper, actually that doesn't begin to describe her courage and bravery! One of our friends asked her if she minded going to the doctor, she explained that she doesn't because she knows that they help her! Nine surgeries later, with a gazillion post-placement appointments, full casts, and that is our dear daughter's perspective! Humbling and inspiring to say the least! AND also huge THANKS to Children's and the lengths they go to make surgeries and appointments totally suited for our children! I think I have more trauma from all of Faith's appointments and surgeries then she does =) In all honesty IF Sam and I really knew what we were signing up for five years ago when we with our teeth clenched said, "okay God we will trust you, we will adopt her" I don't think we would have! I'm so thankful that God protected my heart back then ... as now I would do it ALL again AND I now soooooooooooo understand that what makes my daughter so amazingly SPECIAL is not her special needs but instead all of the unique traits that make up her!
ALL summer I have been WONDERING if this surgery would make a difference for Faith!
Since taking her to our pediatrician for her ears she has been trying to explain her earing difficulties to me! At one point she told me that I just talk quiet, that is why she can't hear me! This is LOL funny for me because I am not the quiet type!! I used to be ... but that was a loooooooong time ago!! =)
So the day after her surgery I was sitting with the kids having lunch and Faith said something CLEAR AS DAY and honestly Bella and I instantaneously looked at each other in total awe and suprise ... both of us laughing out loud! Then we thought of words Faith has really struggled to say ... AND she said them, pronouncing EVERY sound beautifully!!! Once Ella and Matteus realized what was going on ... there was loud cheering and clapping by all, even Kody joined in!
I love that ... that my other children on their own so spontaneously celebrated WITH Faith!
Soooooooo this is a SHOUT OUT to my Creator who is the giver of ALL GOOD GIFTS!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo THANKFUL that our sweet daughter does not have to go another year being under the water, so to speak! I am SO THANKFUL that our daughter can hear BETTER!!! I am SO THANKFUL for our daughter, who at times keeps me on my toes on so many levels, but also who blesses my socks off in toooo many ways to count!
(P.S. I took these pictures about a week back when Faith and I were just hanging out in the yard, "talking" ... she tells me all the time that she loves to talk with me ... sooooo precious and a GIFT!!!)
beinta :)