I love the way God gives me perspective!
The video I posted yesturday gave me quick and fast perspective! I am such a blessed woman, wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister ... I have been given SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, and to "whom much is given, much is required."
In addition to our Jase joining our family in the next year, the reality of our life is also going to change in another significant way (I'll share later). This additional change also requires me to fully trust how God is going to work out the details! However, at times I am tempted to try to figure out all of the details on my own and so I try and the result every time is that I end up feeling completely overwhelmed, and I end up wasting my time worrying.
Last week during one of my devotional times God gave me a real good picture (through the author Sarah Young) of what happens when we make plans that leave God out of the picture. It is an image that has stuck with me and one that I quickly bring to the forefront when the temptation to figure out the details of the next couple of years arises.
The picture that the author described was that our plans void of God end up increasing our worries, so much so that our worries sprout and duplicate like a field of mushrooms of worries. I LOVE that! At least for me, that is what happens when I try to either do things on my own, or when I try to plan out details on my own. Mushrooms grow fast and are soooo gross, at least in my opininion ... and that is exactly what it feels like when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
The solution ... don't make plans without God being the focus. Instead of relying on your own wisdom and provision, FULLY rely on God's wisdom and provision.
I fully realize that at times this is easy to do and at times it is so hard to do! For me, lately, it has been hard ... I have had to intentionally work at it.
You would think I would have learned this fully as I feel like I have walked sooooooooooooo many situations where God has proven Himself faithful, EVERY SINGLE time! Yes,sometimes things did not work out the way I expected! Yes, sometimes things were sooooooooooo hard! However, every time God proved that He would provide and direct.
I just thought I would share the way that God has been working in my heart lately, working on my heart to fully say "I trust you Jesus" without the growing of any mushrooms.
Praises to the King of the Universe, who is SO trusthworthy, and who love us with an unconditional passionate love!
The video I posted yesturday gave me quick and fast perspective! I am such a blessed woman, wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister ... I have been given SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, and to "whom much is given, much is required."
In addition to our Jase joining our family in the next year, the reality of our life is also going to change in another significant way (I'll share later). This additional change also requires me to fully trust how God is going to work out the details! However, at times I am tempted to try to figure out all of the details on my own and so I try and the result every time is that I end up feeling completely overwhelmed, and I end up wasting my time worrying.
Last week during one of my devotional times God gave me a real good picture (through the author Sarah Young) of what happens when we make plans that leave God out of the picture. It is an image that has stuck with me and one that I quickly bring to the forefront when the temptation to figure out the details of the next couple of years arises.
The picture that the author described was that our plans void of God end up increasing our worries, so much so that our worries sprout and duplicate like a field of mushrooms of worries. I LOVE that! At least for me, that is what happens when I try to either do things on my own, or when I try to plan out details on my own. Mushrooms grow fast and are soooo gross, at least in my opininion ... and that is exactly what it feels like when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
The solution ... don't make plans without God being the focus. Instead of relying on your own wisdom and provision, FULLY rely on God's wisdom and provision.
I fully realize that at times this is easy to do and at times it is so hard to do! For me, lately, it has been hard ... I have had to intentionally work at it.
You would think I would have learned this fully as I feel like I have walked sooooooooooooo many situations where God has proven Himself faithful, EVERY SINGLE time! Yes,sometimes things did not work out the way I expected! Yes, sometimes things were sooooooooooo hard! However, every time God proved that He would provide and direct.
I just thought I would share the way that God has been working in my heart lately, working on my heart to fully say "I trust you Jesus" without the growing of any mushrooms.
Praises to the King of the Universe, who is SO trusthworthy, and who love us with an unconditional passionate love!