National Adoption Day!

 PICTURE ... a theatre full of adoptive families!  That was my yesturday morning!  It was SPLENDID, AWESOME and such a GIFT!

Yesturday was National Adoption Day & so to follow up to the re-adoptions/adoptions that took place at our local court house on Friday ... I think about 30 families participated ... the local Regals Movie theatre volunteered to join in on the celebration! 

So yesturday morning at about 9:30 AM in the morning, about 130 people (kids and adults) came for a tour of the projection room, followed by a showing of Megamind.  All of our adopted kids got in free, and all of our bio kids and parents/grandparents got in at a discounted rate.  AND we were allowed to bring in our own treats/snacks!  How AWESOME is that!

I absolutely loved it!  I loved seeing adoptive families I knew ... there are sooo many wonderful local adoptive families that I totally adore ... and I enjoyed meeting new families!  AND I loved celebrating the miracle and blessing of adoption with other like minded hearts!

Five of the six volunteers at the event were all women who are in my inner circle, so to speak!  They are women who I not only adore and admire, but women who I live life with!  What an honor and joy it was to serve along side these amazing women and friends! 

THANK YOU JESUS for Amanda, Abbey, Carrie, Melissa, and Sarah ... thank your for the endless ways you bless me through them!  Thank you for the gift of their friendships!
P.S.  I thought I would add the pictures just for fun!  They are from one of my showers.  They all look BEAUTIFUL!!
