Our Little Runner!

We are soooooooo proud of Matteus!  At school there is something called "marathon club," and what it does is allow the kids to run (if they want to) at recees.  They run laps which get added up towards miles, and once they run a total of 25 miles they can do the ceremony night of running the last mile and getting a medal.   The evening is held at our local high school, and all three of the public elementary schools participate.
 Tonight was that night. So although it was freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing out (it was somewhere in the thirties), we got all BUNDLED up and went and it was a BLAST. It really was, and it was such JOY to see Matteus run with such determination his last mile.

 One of Matteus' highlights was getting a medal.  Sam and I both have some from running marathons (we both have ran one full, and he has ran a couple of halfs) and so as soon as Matteus knew he would get a medal, he really was STOKED! 
Here is our little buddy running!!!
My mamma heart was and is proud of his little achievement.
It really is the simple things in lif that bring so much joy ... isn't it!
