If you would have been on top of Mount Baker today you would have seen the most amazing thing. You would have seen the sweetest little two year old that I know, who will by the way be three tomorrow, having the best time ever. Not once did this little boy complain about being cold (like some of the others did), instead his face had a constant smile, often accompanied by the best laugh out loud laugh.
This sweet, adorable, amazing little boy was sledding with his family (and some of their dear friends).
At one point while one of the daddy's was pushing a sled full of three little girls who were friends, down the hill, something quite memorable happened. The daddy pushed the sled firmly, making it go fast ... and the little boy grabbed a hold of the sled hence he went down the hill with it. This amazing little two year old boy went down on his tummy, holding on to the sled that was racing down quickly, smiling and laughing all the way down.
Out of all of the eight children who were there today, and the four adults, this precious little boy by far had the most runs down the hills.
Like I said earlier this little boy turns THREE tomorrow, and oh boy is he adored by his parents. The thing that really strikes his mamma's heart is the contrast of how he is today, compared to what his life was like two years and nine months ago. Today this sweet little boy was full of strength, health, passion, joy, spunk, and fun. Two years and nine months ago, when this little boy was just one month old, he WAS fighting for his life ... there not being any available food to keep his body healthy and growing.
What two amazing pictures, a frail and shutting down baby body, to that of a vibrant snow sledding laughing toddler. Two pictures that speak to the miracle of adoption. Two pictures that speak to the miracles that the Creator of the Universe DOES.
Two pictures that make this mamma feel SO COMPLETELY THANKFUL and BLESSED. Thank you Jesus for my amazing son Kody who blesses me beyond my wildest dreams. I loooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve being his forever mom.