Yesturday I wrote a fairly large exam for my school counseling re-certification and what a HUGE RELIEF to be finished!!! Words can't quite describe honestly what a load has been lifted.
I have been "trying" to study every free minute throughout the last week ... and some before that. Although it has been on my mind for months now! So the biggest relief is to not have to think about it anymore.
Sometimes I look back and wonder how we find time for everything that needs to get DONE. I would have to give my Creator all the credit, as on most days He provides the energy that seems to be all depleted.
I also have to praise Him for giving me such an amazing husband, who is so completely supportive, and who is such a stellar man, husband, and dad! I was gone for most of the day yesturday and I KNEW Sam had gotten some sort of (mental) to do list done. I never ask him to do anything ... he just does it. So yesturday in just one day he mopped the floors and vaccummed all of the floors, on top of doing 3-4 loads of laundry. He also had dinner ready when I got home, on top of a few other things, six of which were six happy jewels ... who were playing in the yard!
On most days when we are both home, Sam gets much more accomplished then I do. He honestly often puts me to shame.
The other day when we met someone new for the first time, and they asked me how I did it all and still looked so together (this was their opinion) ... they wanted to know what my secret was. My brother in law perked up and said while pointing at Sam, "Sam is her secret weapon!"
He was and is right ... my sister and brother in-law tell me they are always bragging to their friends of what a great brother in law they have and what an amazing husband and dad he is! They often tell the story of how he repainted our first kitchen in our first house three times ... because I didn't like how it turned out =)
So I am finished with my exam and I am soooooooooooo stoked and have to say that I could not have done it were it not for my amazing husband! I truly am one blessed woman!! Thank you Jesus for Sam!