I had the privilege last week of doing a talk at one of the local churches. For many years, even before having kids, diversity has been a personal passion of mine. I truly think it is AWESOME that we were all created so differently and I believe that diversity ought to be something that unites us in celebration, instead of it being a dividing factor.
Now as a mom I also believe strongly in affirming each one of my children in who God has created them to be, affirming every detail of who they are, all the way from skin color to personality and heart! This is something I am very intentional in instilling in them, me have continuous conversations with each one of them about WHO they are and are becoming!! Each one of my children does like me, celebrate who they are! Faith is SO PROUD of her Chinese Heritage, her even thinking that a certain way that I do her hair makes her look more Chinese and she wants me to often do her hair this way =) Kody also already for the last year has talked about being Ghanaian and has talked about his beautiful brown skin. Truly, so far, each one of my children is already very aware of who they are, and are proud of it.
I am intentional in instilling this pride not only through words, but also through art work, books, toys, dolls, movies, music ... I intentionally seek out diverse resources for my kids!
My talk at the church was not however from a parenting perspective, but instead from the perspective of that one way for the CHURCH to support adoptive families is through the celebration of diversity. This church, much like ours, has seen God time and time again break the heart of families for adoption and consequently child after child is being adopted. Also like our church, this church has an orphan care and adoption awareness ministry. The repeated conversation lately at this church amongst it's leadership has been how they can better support adoptive families once the adopted child/children are home. One neeed they saw was a need for education of their staff, pastors, and ministry leaders ... and that is where I and another social worker got asked to come and talk.
Initially when asked I wanted to say no as my life was already so busy, and as Jase had just come home. And during one of my breaking points when I was feeling completely overwhelmed I asked God if this was something I could take off my plate, and I clearly heard Him say NO. So all along, despite my crazy life lately, I have felt God say that I was SUPPOSED to give the talk that I did. I not only covered diversity in it's original meaning, but also the diversity of adoptive families in terms of trauma, privacy, and transition.
Honestly, it was a total HONOR to give the talk and honestly I totally loved it as it was a topic I am so passionate about (diversity & adoption education).
I can honestly say too that in developing and creating what I was going to say, the words seem to come easily and I give God the TOTAL GLORY for that!!!
My summary challenge to them as a church, was simply this ...
Can diversity been seen within your church?
Can diversity be heard within your church?
Can diversity be felt within your church?
Especially for the many of us who adopt transracially (but I believe for all of us regardless of the makeup of our family), I believe we should all be asking ourselves the same questions regarding our own family culture!!!
Blessings everyone!
(I know 2 posts in a day ... and I feel more coming =))