
Just a quick update that we are HOME!
We made it home last night!

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH to everyone who prayed for us over the last last few days!  Your prayers mean soooooooooooooooooo MUCH!!!

Jase is wayyyyyyy better now that we are home, but he still has waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyys to go!  We are starting to see "glimpses" of his happy little heart, but he is still clearly struggling with pain and adjusting to his new mouth ... and also to all of the new restrictions we have on him regarding food and play!

In hindsight ... the last few days were TRAUMA on my heart, I can only imagine the trauma on Jase's heart!  We have a follow up appointment for Jase at Children's on Friday!  This will be a very showing time, in terms of seeing how he responds to being back at Children's.

We serve an AWESOME God who is WITH US even through the horribly difficult!  This is the promise I leaned on during the last few days ... and the promise I will continue to lean on!

I praise HIM, my Creator, for my new son and the amazing surgeon who was able to restore his mouth and lip to more of what it "should" be in terms of long-term functions for Jase!  Truly how BLESSED we are to live in such a wealthy nation where our children have access to such amazing top notch medical care ... it makes me think of the little medical clinic in Northern Ghana that served thousands and thousands with very little medical resources and very little medical staff!  We are blessed!


Beinta said…
woot woot!!