Kody just had a birthday, he turned 4!!!
He was SOOO SOOO SOOO SOOO EXCITED! He has literallly been talking about his birthday since his last birthday! Our kids pretty much get to plan their day, from the food we eat, to the activities we do that day!
Kody's food choices were no surprise to me: donuts for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch (Kody could eat them for every meal of every day of the year), and pizza for dinner. He also choose to have a BIIIIGGGGGG chocolate train cake. =) CUTE!
Kody also wanted to go to Boulevard on that day (YEAH, love Boulevard)!!
I remember the first time I held Kody ... like it was yesturday!
I had just gotten off the airplane to Ghana and I was exhausted. So was Kody, it was nap time for him ... and he fell asleep in my arms. Precious!!! Kody was a little over four months old when we first got to hold him, and meet him. We spent about a week in Ghana, treasuring every single moment we got with our sweet baby boy!
STILL when I think of Kody's story, my heart can't help it but think of amazing Romana & Bernard (at Beacon House) but also of Kody's AWESOME foster family (mamma Heidi & George and their 3 sweet girls)!
I will forever sing my Jesus' praises for this amazing family and how they loved our Kody back to life, and how they truly gave him LIFE!! Oh WOW, God!! It still blows my heart and mind, their self-less ACTS towards not only Kody, but also towards Sam and I!! I tell Kody about them, and how much they loved him and loved on him!
I also remember the moment I met Kody's birth family ... he was loved ... AND they were SO SURPRISED to see that Kody was alive, well, and healthy! Oh ... the JOY on their faces!!
The years that have followed for Kody's birth family have brought even more tragidy and loss, and the extent of the protection around Kody's life not only during the first month of his life, but now in the years that followed ... leave me speechless, and so thankful to our Creator.
If you were to meet our sweet Kody today, you really would not be able to guess his fighting for his life beginnings. You would not KNOW the details of the repeated miracles God DID to restore Kody's life, the miracles God did in the adoption process within Ghana to make Kody our son and to bring him home, and you would not know the miracles God did in our own lives to lead us to Kody. THANK YOU JESUS!!
Today, Kody is a happy, loving, fun, energetic, playful, smart, strong, thoughtful, and caring little boy. If you feel his arms, they are solid and strong, yet our Kody has a heart of gold. Kody lives life out loud, he loves to have fun, and loves to enjoy every single opportunity that God provides. Kody loves to ride his bike, loves to swim, loves to cuddle with mommy, loves to help daddy (or mommy), loves to play with his sisters and brothers, loves to play with his best friend Gwendolyn (who is also adopted from Ghana)
, loves to color, LOVES to dance, loves to sing, loves to read stories, loves to play with friends, loves to scooter ...
Kody is a GIFT ... a PRECIOUS GIFT! I still cannot believe that I get to be his forever mom! I still cannot believe that God somehow saw me to be worthy of being Kody's forever mom! I still cannot believe this precious little boy ... is really ours!