
My weekend was FULL of aaagggghh moments.
The GOOD aagghhh moments.
The ones where you completely let down and RELAX!!

I spent the weekend with my sisters!
I spent the weekend mostly outside!
I spent the weekend in the sun!

I did a lot of reading on my airplane back and forth.  I felt inspired and convicted by the book I read.
I have a lot of work to do in in living every moment intentionally to the fullest, in being intentional in letting joy subvert every situation.  I NEEDED to hear what the author was saying.

I spent the weekend in Las Vegas, WITH 3 of my sisters.  Anyone who knows me might think that Las Vegas and me might not be a good pair.  And if truth be told we are completely opposite, probably on every level.  Despite this, I had an AMAZING time with my sisters.  I LOVED running down the main drag in Las Vegas, blasting my worship music in my ears.  It was a very powerful experience.

One of my many favorite things about the weekend (aside from being with my sisters) was simpye being, me.  I had zero responsibilities and zero things that I HAD to do.
I just was able to be.
48 hours of that was SOOOOOO RELAXING and sooooo needed!!!

As moms, we wear our mom hats all day and all night long.  We actually never take it off, we are mom 24/7.  Well for me, I've been given the sacred gift and responsibility to be mom to 7 amazing jewels ... so I wear my mom hat for 7 very different and very precious jewels.  All to say that I DO get tired, and at times exhausted, and I do need breaks.  

So having a 48 hour break was FANTASTIC. 
We did a lot of sight seeing and a lot of walking in 48 hours, FUN!!

My husband is AMAZING.  I boarded my airplane, having ZERO worries of how he would do.  I have FULL CONFIDENCE in him as dad, even being single dad with our seven precious jewels.  I know that is a GIFT!  Also when I a couple of months ago asked him about the weekend, he didn't even pause to say that I should go.  He from the get go encouraged me to go.  How completely self-less and awesome of him!

THANK YOU JESUS for much needed breaks!
THANK YOU JESUS for my sisters!
THANK YOU JESUS for the way you speak truth into my life!

