I only have 5 more months to be home full-time with my babies. I know I can flip that statement, and also say WOW I still have more 5 months to be home full-time. And my blessed reality is that I will have had 14 months of being home full time with my babies.
I LOVE that God has created and wired EACH one of us with very different abilities, passions, and gifts. My passions, abilities, and gifts -- all are in the same area with at-risk kids (although YES I'm also passionate about adoption, orphan care, social justice ...) - so truly what a GIFT to have a job that I also consider to be my ministry. Sometimes I struggle with the very idea that I work on top of being a mom. Sometimes I feel pressures to be the glove fit mom, to do what everyone else is doing. The reality though if I take time to pause and reflect is that some of my friends are home full-time, some work part-time, and some work pretty much full-time. Sometimes I think I would like to be a full-time stay at home, although my reality is that God did not create me for that purpose. This is the place I come to every time I spend months on my knees in prayers about it. For us now too our reality is that we have seven kids and we need my income, although financial need yes I agree is something that could be argued as the rest of the global world lives on way less than what we do. Although regardless of how much we fight it, and how we simple we live, and how simple we make our lives; it costs a lot to raise 7 children in North America.
So ... all to say that I'm going back to work in September.
If I'm really honest, I would have to say I have NO CLUE how I'm going to do it. The beauty is though that "I" don't have to do it all. Sam and I will do it - FULLY LEANING on our Creator, Father, and King for energy, wisdom, and discernment. The older I get the more I realize that I actually "can't" do it on my own, I need God desperately to help me and direct each one of my steps.
I sent in my official letter last week to the district letting them know that I will be returning to my part-time school counseling job and today I met with my boss today. These two things have me thinking a lot about next year ... I do know one thing and that is that I'm going to have to SIMPLIFY our life even more, I'm going to have to cut some things out. I'm trusting my Creator to let me know which things I need to cut out or trim, and which ones can stay.
THANK YOU JESUS for the 14 months I've had at HOME!
THANK YOU JESUS for the job that I do have -- a job that I love --- a job that you have wired and skilled me for -- a job that is a literal four minutes from my house -- and a job that my school age kids come with me to to work!!