My heart and brain are still processing everything that I learned, relearned, and that God showed me this week at the Orphan Summit. What a tremendous GIFT to be able to go, and to be able to go WITH Sam, and to be able to go with a group from our church including our Senior Pastor.
I love how God uses things that we don't expect to speak to our hearts. I feel God redirecting my heart a bit, although I'm not quite what the new direction. Isn't that always the way with God. He only gives us one baby step at a time, and we have to TRUST HIM for the next step.
The conference was AMAZING. What a sacred privilege to be able to hear Francis Chan and Steven Curtis Chapman up close and personal ... two definite major highlights.
The plight of the orphan here in the US and across the globe is ENORMOUS and is a CRISIS. Although make no mistake. It is not a crisis that is too large for the church across the globe to step up to and be the Hands & Feet of Jesus, with ALL GLORY GOING TO HIM!!!
My heart is constantly broken for the foster kids right here in our own community, and back yard. WHAT IF every church in the US made it their mission to find a HOME for every waiting foster child right in their own neighborhood. We would clean out the foster system. Wouldn't that be awesome.
Sam and I talk on and off about being involved with the foster system. Our obstacle though is our family size. We have too many kids and would not qualify to be foster parents, or to adopt through the foster system.
It will take me a while to process ALL that God showed me this week.
Of course ... Sam and I spent time playing at the beach as much as possible, before and after the conference. What a GIFT this time was.
One of my prayers for this week was that God would protect my heart as I left my baby at home. He did just that ... all week I had full peace, and only a couple of incidents of tears. Sam's parents are AMAZING and I have to say that I had full confidence in them caring for our 7 precious jewels. What a gift they are. On Tuesday night (the night before we left), Sam's mom showed up with ingredients to cook dinner for that, Sam's favorite cookies, and her ukuleus to play songs with the kids ... many stories read, games played, and songs sung before we even left.
THANK YOU JESUS for my amazing in-laws!
THANK YOU JESUS for TIME away my hubby!
THANK YOU JESUS for your beautiful creation so evident here in California!
THANK YOU JESUS for the Orphan Summit!!