Today I attended the memorial service of the parent of a student who I've worked extensively with. The loss has left this special little boy without parents. This precious little boy is now an orphan, and he lives right in my own community (not in some far of distant country). I don't have to travel very far to do orphan ministry. On some level, I did it today right in my own community.
The whole situation is heart break. The student really is one of the nicest boys I've ever had the privilege of working with, and his dad cared so passionately about his son. The whole situation has spoken to my heart on many levels.
One of which is, what are the opportunities right in our own community to be the hands and feet of Jesus?
It looks like for this precious boy that his older (young adult) sister will become his guardian, and mother and father. This newly developed family will need all of the support they can get, emotionally, financially, practically, and tangibly. This older sister could really use a mentor, someone to guide her as she takes on this huge new role. The precious little boy could really use a mentor, someone to come alongside him to nurture him and help parent him. There are so many opportunities for us to love on and support this precious family.
The thing about it, there are people everywhere (not just in my community) who need someone to desperately care about them. People everywhere are hurting for someone to take an interest in them. People everywhere need a helping hand from someone who cares.
I think if we all looked hard enough, we would find them (the people who need us).
Well, isn't that the nature of the gospel?
Isn't that exactly how Jesus lived his life?
I think so.
Then why do we too often do nothing?
When I first told my jewels about this special little boy, they all immediately said he should come and live with us. They without blinking or pausing, said we should be his family. I wish my heart was as quick to move as theirs is and was, to help those who need help. My kids today reminded me of Jesus, but also of Katie Davis. I think of Katie Davies like a Mother Teresa over in Uganda, she loves the people of Uganda with a relentless and sacrificial love all for the glory of our Creator and King. If you have not read her book, you simply must. Click here to find out more about it. Jesus' story in her life is so inspirational and so convicting.
Dear Jesus, help all of us to be like my precious jewels. Help us to be YOUR hands and feet to those right in our own community (and to those worlds apart). Help us to not pause when a need comes up, but to rather meet the need full on without holding anything back. Open our eyes to the needs of those around us and help us to give our ALL to them, just like You did for us!