14 years ago I had the AMAZING opportunity and privilege to be the first director of a summer camp for at risk kids in our local community called Ray of Hope, a camp that is still running. Running ROH was not a job for me, it was sooooo much more. It was something I was superbly passionate about, something which I poured into day and night. I loved all of the campers and precious jewels deeply. So many amazing and special kids came through the camp. I think both Sam and I lived and breathed only ROH (so to speak) for the two summers that I was the director. The amount of love, blood, and sweat that went into it ... not just by me but also by an amazing pastor named James ... and also by the staff and volunteers that worked with me was really incredible and sooooo God anointed. I would say that although seeds were planted before, about 16 years ago God birthed in me a burning PASSION for at-risk kids. He did this through my summers in the inner city of Camden, NJ with a ministry called Urban Promise. I so remember then a couple of years later getting the "phone call" from Pastor James telling me about ROH and asking me to be involved.
I say all of this to say that I'm passionate about at-risk kids not just in Africa, China (and elsewhere) but also RIGHT HERE in our own country, right here in my own community. It is something that I've spent years doing, and honestly not something that I often get to see fruit of my work and/or heart. It is just the way it goes, and I'm truly okay with that. If truth be told I do what I do because I care about and value at-risk kids deeply and want to make a difference in their lives, but more so because I feel like I was created by my Father to do it. So I look to Him for my fulfillment, and lean on Him to give me purpose, joy and hope in the midst of sometimes heart break situations ... and times of feeling drained and overwhelmed.
Well, several days ago I believe I had a God anointed encounter with someone from Ray of Hope from 14 years ago. I was checking out a movie and the young man (aged 23) said to me, "I think I know you." I looked at him puzzled. I never forget a student (I work with 300 + every year as a school counselor), and I was positive he was not one of my students. He kept looking at me and he said, "I know, Maria from Ray of Hope. I'm __________." As soon as he said that I KNEW who he was. He was a sweet sweet boy who attended Ray of Hope both summers when I was there. He was someone I had poured into. He was a special little boy. He went on to tell me of many of his memories from ROH, how I had had him over for cinnamon roles at my house, how him and his younger brothers (who were also there) still talk about ROH, and how he still has his photo album. He also proudly shared how he is college now, and how he plays the piano at his church.
How incredibly amazing and cool is that. My heart was blown away, my passions were renewed, and my heart felt (feels) a step closer to being ready to officially go back to work in less than 3 weeks now.
I was 24 years old during Ray of Hope's first summer, I really was a baby. It still blows my heart and mind that God choose to use little "me" in the ways that He did. I still feel so incredibly honored and privileged that my Creator allowed me to have a part developing and starting Ray of Hope.
I also feel so incredibly blessed that He now 14 years later gave me a glimpse into the life of one of the special children's lives that I (and so many of us) had poured into. I consider my encounter a total gift from my Father. It was a gift of encouragement and hope, and one I'll hang on to when my encouragement and hope is lacking ... a moment that I'm sure will come even in the upcoming school year.
This was a poem that I used to share with my staff and volunteers, to encourage them. It still encourages me and is still part of my purpose (with at-risk kids, social justice, adoption, and orphan care. I believe it so speaks to the HEART of our Father.)
One hundred years from now,
it will not matter what kind of house you lived in...
what kind of car you drove...
what your bank balance was...
but what will matter
but what will matter
is that you were important in the life of a child.
Thank you Father that you deeply love not just me, but EVERY single one of your children, and that you give all of us sacred opportunities to love them like You do (whether it is children in our own homes, children in our own communities, or children in far off communities - they are ALL valuable and worth everything to you).