LOOK and SEE what God HAS DONE!!!
He has performed miracle after miracle in sweet little Nina's life!!
Nina is ALIVE and is continuing to heal and do better and better!
It is AWESOME and He is the only one worthy of PRAISE!!
Here's the link to our friend's blog to read more http://teamstews.blogspot.com/
I have to say that I've been so humbled and inspired by our friend's faith throughout the last several weeks. They have been a living, shout out loud, example of two people who completely LOVE and TRUST our Father NO MATTER WHAT LIFE BRINGS. For a long time, Nina's future really was unsure and uncertain ... yet our friend's faith never wavered. And yet, every time I talked with them they sang praises to our Father for His faithfulness in their lives.
Please continue to pray WITH me for Nina and her sweet family. Please pray that God would continue to heal Nina's heart and life - and continue to protect her whole family and provide them with the strength and wisdom they need. Our friends are also in the process of adopting two babies from the Congo - who could possibly come home in the next couple of months. Only God knows the timing of when Nina will be home, and when the babies will be home - please pray for His perfect timing!
Thank you for praying with me!
Thank you for sharing Nina's story, and her mama and daddy's walk of trust and faith! Beautiful testimony!
Rejoicing in Texas~