Our dear friend's sweet daughter is on her way HOME ... right now!!
I honestly can hardly believe it! I knew Nina was getting better and better, but I still thought she was a couple of weeks out from being released. I think even just a few days ago her amazing mommy and daddy would have said the same thing too.
God has totally shocked me with the way that He so repeatedly has intervened in sweet little Nina's life. I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo believe that God is able to heal in EVERY single opportunity, but I also believe that sometimes the healing does not take place the way that I want it to, or in ways that I can SEE, and sometimes it takes place on the other side of eternity.
Not for sweet Nina - her healing happened on this side of eternity in ways that we all can SEE - while she was still on earth. I love that the doctors say that they can't explain what happened because they can't because it was WHAT GOD DID that brought sweet Nina healing and not their human hands!!
Please PRAISE WITH ME and also please continue to pray with me as Nina's healing is not yet over!! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW God, thank you!