Random Ponderings ...

I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore, as I clearly am struggling to post much of anything these days.
These days, life is extremely busy as I'm home full-time for the summer, pouring into, loving,  connecting, correcting, and playing with our 7 jewels.  I LOVE it.  It truly is such a GIFT to have a job where I only work 9.5 months of the year.
Rewind back a month and a half ago, my story would have been completely different.  I was exhausted and overwhelmed, the balance of juggling my life coming with many inherent struggles, as well as the balance of providing life and healing to one of our particular jewels who still sometimes daily works out her trauma was taking everything out of me.  "School anxiety" would sum it up, the summer having brought complete relief and our little girl is back to who she is and who her Father created her to be.  I feel like I could write a book on school anxiety, as there is so much that could be said.
We were given many different reccomendations from different sources including medication (as at that point we had provided many different therapeutic intervention, probably everyone out there), our choice was to wait to the summer and see what would happen ... if she could regulate herself again.  All to say, that she is back ... PRAISES and major celebration from this mom!
School anxiety is this powerful extremely difficult real felt range of emotions that many kiddos deal with ... and I definately would reccommend seeking out additional help for anyone dealing with it.  We will see what the upcoming school year brings ... and we will do what we need to, to help our precious jewel.

Another thing that happened in May was that Kody had an accident that resulted in an injury to his mouth, an ER visit, and many repeated visits to the doctor including many visits to Children in Seattle.  He was okay and is okay ... It was however part of what put me over the edge those couple of months back.
Nail polish, nail polish remover, hearing aids that don't belong to him and cost thousands of dollars, food coloring, a whole bottle of hand soap, a sink full of water, a couple of soaked towels, at early wee hours in the morning ... those are some of the "things" that one of our other jewels gets into just within a few hours and that is keeping me on my toes these days ;)  Yes, I'm home when the exploring is all taking place ... sometimes just in the other room ...
As you can tell, my Father is continuing to teach me about "leaning" on Him.  It hit me a few months ago when I was in the midst of the thick so to speak that that had been my New Year's Resolution - to press in to my Father more.  I can see now why this was something my Father put on my heart, as I so desparately needed Him for several months there last spring to simply help me live the life He daily had planned for me.
I think many times about posting, as there are so many things that I'm constantly learning about myself, about my jewels, about parenting kids with trauma, about my Father ... but somehow I never make it on her to post ...
My primary goals this summer were to help our one jewel get down from the intensity of school, to get myself healthily back on two feet,  and to play with our jewels.  I believe these are all going well :)
I will "try" to post some more ...
Here are some of my favorite pics from the last couple of months ...
This is Sam and I getting away for a much needed weekend.  We went to Whistler (our happiest place on earth) and the most AMAZING time.  I highly reccommend it (getting away with your spouse and Whistler in the summer time)!

This is one my favorite pictures to take of our jewels ... and I take it every year.

This is at Bella's dance recital (she's got blue pants) on.  She loved it and I thought she ROCKED it.  She did sooooooooooooooo great!  I'm so proud of her!

This was one of our many play dates at Semiahmoo, many more to come.  I love taking this kind of shot too.  If only Sam and I were in it too :)  But it was just me and the kids that day.
This is our "current" AMAZING babysitter and childcare provider Aimee.  Amazing is an under statement.  She is such a GIFT to our family.  All of the kids adore her, as do we.

This is Matteus and his best friend from school.  I'm so incredibly thankful for their little friendship.  And they played on the same soccer team and both did so well -- and Matteus loved it -- which I love (when our jewels find things they love)!

Ella also played soccer and loved it and did super good.  I'm so proud of them both!
AND one last one of Faith doing one of the things she loves, playing basketball.  She played in a local tournament this past weekend and also rocked it.  She is quite the little athlete, she is actually amazing and gifted if you ask me (no bias here) ...
Okay ... so I didn't get very far in picking out my favorite pics  ... I'll have to keep going another day :)
