We've had an amazing summer and an amazing September so far. Lately, the weather has been spectacular up until today - it is raining. So when the forecast was glorious this past week, I knew I had to take advantage and so on my day off the 3 littlest jewels and I played at one of my favorite local places - Semiahmoo - and it was soooo grand.
I probably took about 20 scenic shots as the sun was out in it's full splendor and so were all of the surrounding mountains. None of my pictures really show it, but the water literally glistened. It was so incredibly. Days like those fill me up like almost none other, there is not many things that come in comparison to filling up my soul. My Father and Creator speaks to me through His creation, reminding me of His faithfulness, His promises, and His so very tangible presence in my life.
I couldn't resist one of my other favorite things, and brought my camera along as well as some different clothes so that I could take some pics of the littlest (where they were not wearing bathing suits). The boys did amazing - they are used to sitting and smiling for mommy - Lillyana on the other hand I still have to chase for pictures :)
I am so incredibly blessed. I love this last picture - brothers. My sons are brothers which is a miracle that DECLARES THE GOODNESS of their Father. My God took two very tragic stories for two very precious and perfectly made little jewels who were born on completely different continents and brought them across the globe to become brothers. How incredibly cool, amazing, awesome, miraclous ... is that!!!
And for some crazy reason that is beyond me, He thought I would be worthy enough to be their mom. He knew I would be a far cry from being perfect, but He knew I would love them passionately and that I would consider it a sacred honor to be their mom.
You never know where life will take you when your hearts desire is to live a life totally devoted to the one who made you, living out His purposes. For me, it has taken me on places AND journeys I never in my wildest dreams thought I would embark on and here I am NOW, a mom of 7 precious jewels.
I don't know what journeys or places my Father has already planned for me in the future. But what I do know is that I want to follow wherever He leads. What I also know is that I want to live the kind of life that has Satan every morning when I wake up saying, "crap, she is up." That was a quote from the sermon given today at church by this amazing woman Catherine (and Pastor Kurt who taught with her). Catherine has for years inspired me, and she still continues to.
These three little jewels keep me on my toes ... but I wouldn't have it any other way ;)