SAVE THE DATE and come if you are local or NOT. On Feb. 28 - March, the 3rd annual Refresh Conference will be taking place at Overlake Church in Seattle (area), WA. The cost of the conference is minimal, and it is truly such an AMAZING conference. I've gone the last two years and I truly have left feeling blessed and refreshed. This is not an orphan care focused conference like some of the other amazing ones out there, this is specifically for adoptive and foster parents. The line up of speakers this year looks phenomenal. In years past I've gone with friends, this year both Sam and I are hoping to go. Here is the link: Deborah Gray will once again be one of the speakers, she continues to be a major highlight for me!
Another great resource that I have to share is that for the month of November, Adoption Learning Partners is offering one of their "packets" FREE because it is adoption awareness month. Here is the link to it It is the Tough Starts Matters packet, and I just bought mine with the intention of doing it later.